Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

We have so much to be thankful for here in America.  I want to give a special thank you to all my ancestors who fought in the American Revolution and Civil War.  Another thank you to my Uncles Jim and Bill and my Father in Law for serving during World War II, my uncles Luther, Ernest, Sam and Jimmy for serving in peacetime, my cousin Gwyn and schoolmate WC for serving in Vietnam, my cousins who served in Afghanistan, and all the many others who have served and fought that we might have the freedoms we cherish today.
This sampler, I designed 4 years ago, say it all, Faith--Liberty--Freedom--Family--Country.

I am working on another piece, which will be a limited edition pillow kit that honors our tradition of Liberty.  I hope to have it finished and released by the 1st of July.

It has been a good week here at Cherished Stitches.  The goodies I ordered at TNNA market have started arriving.

My French Lace.
My Natural dyed silk fibers.
Two new books.

And then Friday I received my silk gimp fibers from Trish for my Cabinet of Curiosities.  I had stopped stitching on the little mini box top, while waiting for them to arrive.  Now I can't wait to attempt working with them.  I love working with something new.

We had our annual Fowler family reunion on Saturday.  It is always a happy day when I get to see  and talk to family members I only see once in a while.

Yesterday we grilled burgers on the grill and ate out on the deck with my son and his girlfriend.  It was such a beautiful day.  So nice in fact, that Bob and I decided to grill pork chops and eat outside for dinner also.

Also new this week, I have 2 tomatoes on my plant.  I really hope they don't get stolen by birds or chipmunks.
With today being a Monday, I guess it is time to go do more Laudry.   I don't have to worry about lunch, because my cousin sent home a huge plate of pulled pork, and Bob has Lions tonight, so dinner will be a sandwich all alone.  (That is a good thing, no cooking)

Hope you all have a very blessed Memorial Day.